
If you want to test the demographic resilience of your concepts or new business ideas, I am happy to be your constructive troublemaker. In practice-oriented workshops on the topic of age(ing), I take your team out of their comfort zone.
I have been practicing in this uncomfortable role for over 20 years now. For me, being constructively challenging means asking smart, strong and provocative questions. I do not lecture, but rather help to critically question ideas and assumptions and offer alternative options and perspectives.

Frank Leyhausen

Born at the end of November 1969, during the transition from baby boomers to Gen X, has he been advising companies, public authorities and non-profit organizations on the opportunities and challenges of an ageing society since 2000.

The fields of action are innovation and communication as well as the effects on the labor market.
He gained his first experience of the opportunities and challenges of an ageing society at the Deutsche Bank Group in the 1990s. In 2000, he switched to consulting. Since then, he has been responsible for a large number of projects in various sectors and has been involved in research projects. His main focus is on the GSA region and the USA.

Frank has two principles:

Age doesn't matter

The year of birth says less about a person than the zip code of their place of residence. It is primarily about people's roles, which describe needs and create affiliations.

Talking with and not about people

Products and services must be developed with potential users right from the start. Co-creation and user innovation are the methods of choice here. 



Frank is an interview partner for the media in Germany and abroad. He has also contributed his experiences to numerous books, such as „Economia da Longevidade", „From Grey to silver" and „Of quota women and old white men". The new book „Gray gold not old iron" will be published on November 21st.

He also regularly shares his experiences at conferences and events., e.g. at the United Nations or SXSW. This activity combines very well with one of his favorite pastimes: Traveling.

You can find a selection of contributions here: Media


Maturity level 4

Maturity level 4, in German "Reifegrad 4" refers to Hersey and Blanchard's maturity model.

In the 1970s, Hersey and Blanchard developed a model of leadership based on the maturity level of employees.
In order to define the maturity level of employees, this model focuses on two aspects: Motivation and ability.

Motivation and ability

Motivation and ability are also the basis of the behavioral model developed by the American behavioral scientist B.J. Fogg. His model describes how behavioral change can be brought about.

Motivation and ability are the key influencing factors in leadership, innovation and communication. They form the basis of successful concepts and offers.

With over 20 years of experience in these two parameters, REIFEGRAD 4 creates offers that meet the expectations of boomers in the consumer and labor market.

Willing and able

Maturity level 4 is the highest level at Hersey and Blanchard:
Mature, very self-confident, competent and motivated.

This maturity level is the benchmark for our work, enabling companies and organizations to seize the opportunities of an aging society.

The characteristics of the four maturity levels were adapted by Hersey and Blanchard in 1982: "Willing and Able" has since described maturity level 4 and thus our self-image.



The focus is on defining markets and customer groups.

These developments are based on life stages, roles and skills. Age or even "the 50-plus target group" are not and have never been the focus here.

People's abilities in particular play a key role in the success of innovations. This can be seen, for example, in the challenges posed by digitalization.

The "digital divide" - the digital split in society - reduces the potential of digitalization in the long term. At the same time, a large number of people who lack the necessary skills are excluded from technological progress and social participation.

"Inclusive innovation" is the key to success and an integral part of consulting. Solutions and services are developed with and not for people right from the start.

In addition to methodological expertise, a panel is also available to attract relevant participants.

Workshops & keynotes: 

For over 20 years, Frank has been communicating in keynotes, lectures and workshops how disruptive demographic change will change our world. Demographic change is not a horror scenario, but a key factor influencing trends and technologies.

This input inspires employees, managers and customers to take advantage of the opportunities presented by demographic change.

The core of all consultancy are individual workshops under the theme "2old4X"? In a customer-specific setting, the changes in society are placed in an individual context and solutions for "X" are developed. "X" can stand for industries, technologies, service concepts and much more.





This website makes it clear what Frank means when he says: "Age doesn't matter".

Relevant "stages" - phases of life at an advanced age - are described here and the potential of these markets is highlighted. In addition, there are regular interviews with experts such as: Tech Leader and bestselling author Annahita Esmailzadeh or Frank Piller, Professor of Management and Head of the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) at RWTH Aachen University The website:


SENovation Award

During his many trips to America, one thing became clear to Frank:

In the US, founders tackle the topic of "aging", also known as the "longevity economy", much more aggressively, even though the average age in the US is significantly lower than in Germany.

The start-up scene in the GSA region needs input on this and the founders who deal with the topic of "age" lack(ed) visibility.

Frank has been the driving force behind the "SENovation Award" start-up prize since 2018. Over 400 teams from Germany, Austria and Switzerland have already applied since the start. The SENovation Award is the first and only start-up award on the topic of age in this region.

More information for founders, companies, investors and anyone interested can be found here:


In times of a shortage of skilled workers and the simultaneous mass retirement of baby boomers, Frank founded AF1 GmbH together with Anja Klute in 2021. Digital and hybrid solutions for personal retirement planning are developed under the "AgeForce1" brand.


Media & Speaking

Media (selection of contributions in English) 

They not old, they’re “digital immigrants” read

We need to get Boomers back in the game read

Generation “Lucky” read

Innovation for the 50-plus read

Speaking  (Selection)

Presentation: SXSW 2023 - The New Demographic Reality and its Impacts look

Panel: United Nations - International Day of Older Persons 2017 look

Panel Economist Impact Events: Postcard from the future: Ageing innovators around the world look

Panel SXSW 2021: Reimagining Care - The Intersection of Tech & Touch look


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